Lunes, Setyembre 7, 2015


Caupayan, Jedda Anne G.                                                                                                                        BSEd-4

Capacitors are really special and if you will ask me what makes it special, I must say it is their ability to store energy. They are like a fully charged electric battery. We call them as “caps” and they have all sorts of critical applications in circuits. We can usually apply and observe them in local energy storage, complex signaling filtering and voltage spike suppression.
These are images of capacitors:

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Capacitor is an electronic device that can store energy. It is a passive two-terminal device and can be very useful as an electrical component. Just like the other electronic devices capacitor has also several features that make it useful and important like the proportionality of the voltage to the current. Those circuits that have capacitors show frequency-dependent behavior so that circuits that intensify certain frequencies selectively can be building. Capacitors occur as you would expect.

Circuit Symbols:
Drawing a capacitor in schematic has two common ways. They always have two terminals, which go on to connect to the whole circuit. The capacitors symbol composed of two parallel lines, which are either flat or curved; both lines should be parallel to each other, close, but not touching.

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(1) and (2) are standard capacitor circuit symbols. (3) is an example of capacitors symbols in action in a voltage regulator circuit.

The symbol with the curved line (#2 in the photo above) shows that the capacitor is polarized, it means that it’s probably an electrolytic capacitor.
Other circuit symbols:

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Capacitance Units
 We cannot expect that all capacitors are created equally. One capacitor is built to have a specific amount of capacitance. The capacitance of a capacitor will tell us how much charge it can store. More capacitance means more capacity to store charge. The standard unit of capacitance is called the farad which is abbreviated as F. 

Prefix Name
Equivalent Farads
0.000000000001 F
0.000000001 F
0.000001 F
0.001 F
1000 F

Voltage-Current Relationships in Capacitors:

        There is a relationship between the voltage across the capacitor and the charge on a capacitor. Charge and voltage are linearly related.
Q = C V


V  = voltage across the capacitor
Q = charge on the plate
C = capacitance of the capacitor.
        The relationship between the charge on a capacitor and the voltage across the capacitor is linear C, called the capacitance.

Q = C V
        When V is measured in volts, and Q is measured in coulombs, then C has the units of farads. Farads are really coulombs/volt.

        The relationship, Q = C V, is the most important thing you can know about capacitance. There are other details you may need to know at times, like how the capacitance is constructed, but the way a capacitor behaves electrically is determined from this one basic relationship.

Circuit Diagram:    

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 Capacitors Activity

I. Objectives: At the end of this activity, you will be able to:
              a. determine the function of capacitors in electronic appliances,
              b. determine the voltage drop of the bulb with capacitor,
              c. create a circuit diagram of capacitors in series and parallel circuits.

II. Materials
Capacitors (4700uF)
Resistors (5500 Ω , 180 Ω)
AC-DC converter
alligator clips

III.           Procedure:
1.       Two capacitors of the same amount will be used.2.       A 20-ohm bulb is used.
3.       The bulb and the capacitors are connected in series applying a certain voltage output.
4.       The voltage drop in the bulb and capacitors is determined.
5.       The procedure is repeated with using 5 different voltage output.
6.       The entire procedure is repeated but with the components connected in parallel.
7.       This time, 3 different voltages will be applied.
8.       The brightness of light is observed.
9.       The data are recorded in the table. 

IV.                     Data and Result:
Table 1: Capacitors in Series Circuit
Voltage drop, Capacitor (470uF )
3.3 V
2X10-3 V
1.1 V
1.6 V
No light
5.2 V
3X10-3 V
1.8 V
2.6 V
No light
7.5 V
4X10-3 V
4.2 V
2.8 V
No light
9.3 V
5X10-3 V
5.0 V
3.4 V
No light
12 V
6X10-3 V
6.8 V
3.8 V
No light

Table 2: Capacitors in Parallel Circuit
Voltage drop, Capacitor (470uF )
3.2 V
3.2 V
3.0 V
3.0 V
5.2 V
5.2 V
5.2 V
5.2 V
7.3 V
7.3 V
7.3 V
7.3 V

IV. Guide Questions:

1. What is the voltage drop of the bulb in series circuit with capacitor?

Answer: The voltage drop of the bulb in series circuit with capacitor decreases as the voltage ouput increases.

2. What is the voltage drop of the bulb in parallel circuit with capacitor?

Answer: The voltage drop of the bulb in parallel circuit with capacitor increases as the voltage output increases.

V. Conclusion

    Based on this activity, I learned that the bulb will light the brightest when the voltage output is in the highest value also but in a parallel circuit. 

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